Everyone leads a busy life nowadays. So, why not let me take care of your wellbeing? I offer online classes and specialised programs throughout the day to accommodate your busy schedule. Your wellbeing is top priority; see how I can help you make the most out of your time.

When your will power just won't work - hypnotherapy assists with motivation to make the healthy choices you want to make and helps you stick with them.
This includes eating more healthy food and smaller portions,
reducing your carbohydrate or sugar intake,
drinking less alcohol,
and having more energy and motivation to exercise.
All of my classes improve focus and concentration and help you regain control of your body and mind.

Through hypnomeditation you will discover the only place where true peace is found as you explore your inner core and discover the real you.
You learn how to become aware of your experience in the present moment without judging it.
You become aware of your thoughts, bodily sensations and breath.
You gain an understanding of how you react internally to external events.
It will help you take your life off “automatic pilot” and free you to make more helpful choices in the future.
It will help you develop greater happiness and joy, and enhanced creativity – giving a deeper, more spiritual meaning to life.
All of my classes improve focus and concentration and help you regain control of your body and mind.

This class has been described as 'massage for the mind'. Why not offset the stresses of modern life before things get too much.
Reduce stress, anger and fatigue, combat anxiety and depression,
aid healing by boosting the immune system,
reduce pain and inflammation,
cope better with medical treatments, surgery and frightening diagnoses,
improve work and intimate relationships.
All of my classes improve focus and concentration and help you regain control of your body and mind.