New Year’s resolutions have been around forever, perhaps because when the whole world is thinking about the same things, it gives each of us more power and energy to make them happen. The start of the new year is a great time to make changes and set goals that will help you get to where you want to be.
New Year's resolutions are supported by psychological research emphasizing the importance of clear goals, a positive mindset and motivation.
However, if it were that easy, we'd all be fit, healthy and happy wouldn't we?
A human being has a conscious and sub-conscious mind. Starting from birth, or even before, you start collecting information that is then stored in your subconscious. You could call it your 'hard drive'. This information will define who you are, how you feel, how you react to certain emotions, how much you weigh, what good habits you have and what bad habits you have.
This information is protected by a 'firewall' - the conscious mind. The job of the firewall is to compare new information with that already present on the hard drive. Information that doesn’t match won’t be accepted.
This has advantages and disadvantages.
The main advantage is that you won’t accept new information that is obviously incorrect, for example if someone tells you it is safe to cross a 4-lane road without looking in both directions.
The disadvantage comes when your 'hard drive' sub-conscious is wired with information that is not beneficial to you. For example, consciously you know perfectly well what advantages you would have being a non-smoker, eating less sugar, being more active, or being able to speak fearlessly in public. But as long as your sub-conscious doesn’t agree, it won’t happen. No matter how much will power you may have. As long as your 'firewall' conscious mind blocks this new information, nothing is going to change.
The advantage of hypnosis is that it enables us to send the conscious mind on a short trip and to give new information to the sub-conscious, new information that will enable you to reach your desired goals.
So, whatever your goals are this year - if you feel some help would be advantageous to you - please do get in contact and get 24% off the full price for all sessions paid for in January 2024, Happy New Year!
