Thank you so much Richie and Patricia for the course you ran last weekend at Solaris Cancer Care in St John of Gods. The information provided was personal and practical, eye opening and extremely valuable to all of us. One member of the group mentioned how useful it would have been for him to attend a course like this at the start of his cancer carer journey a whole year ago, but better late than never!
We were a small group - and all men apart from myself. We ranged from dads with young families who were looking after wives with breast cancer to a son looking after his mother. My own personal reason for attending was so I could learn more about what the carers of loved ones with cancer go through, so I can better support them in my role as Clinical Hypnotherapist at the Cottesloe Solaris Centre.
Hypnotherapy can help greatly with motivation, self confidence, self belief and stress and anxiety reduction. And Solaris supports not only those travelling along the cancer journey, but the carers who support their loved ones on that journey. Every little helps, you are not alone, why not take advantage of what is on offer - make an appointment to see one of he hypnotherapists or other complementary therapists at one of the numerous Solaris Centres in Western Australia. Press the image below to find out more.