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There is no you without others

''Everything in life is a process. That is to say there are a series of steps, often in a particular order and sequence. Most things we consider as static are not. Even you yourself do not exist as a static entity. There is no YOU that is fixed. You have changed over the years in ways

that you recognize, and in ways that you will never recognize. You are constantly changing physically, emotionally and spiritually. Your moods and perspectives are largely fluid and ever changing. There is constant cell regeneration, gas exchanges and neural pathways being set up whilst others are disconnecting. Your body is constantly making adjustments in order to move you towards an optimal state of balance called homeostasis. This movement

towards balance is reflected in the world around us as well. You cannot effectively isolate any part of the system you are a part of, from the rest of the system. There is no internal without an external. There is no YOU without others''. Gordon Young

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